英日字典: かえる
- 代える:
(usu. 替える)
to replace
(usu. 換える)
to exchange
to interchange
(usu. 代える)
to substitute
- 反る:
(esp. 返る)
to return
to come back
to go back
(See 裏返る)
to turn over
(esp. 返る)
(See 静まり返る)
(after the -masu stem of a verb)
(to become)
(to become)
- 変える:
to change
to alter
to vary
to convert
to revise
to amend
to transform
- 孵る:
to hatch out
- 帰る:
(See 返る・1)
to return
to come home
to go home
to go back
(of a guest, customer, etc.)
to leave
(of a baseball player rounding the bases)
to get home
- 換える:
(usu. 替える)
to replace
(usu. 換える)
to exchange
to interchange
(usu. 代える)
to substitute
- 替える:
(usu. 替える)
to replace
(usu. 換える)
to exchange
to interchange
(usu. 代える)
to substitute
- 歸る:
(See 返る・1)
to return
to come home
to go home
to go back
(of a guest, customer, etc.)
to leave
(of a baseball player rounding the bases)
to get home
- 蛙:
(かわず only)
(See 河鹿蛙)
kajika frog
(Buergeria buergeri)
- 蛤:
(かわず only)
(See 河鹿蛙)
kajika frog
(Buergeria buergeri)
- 蝦:
(かわず only)
(See 河鹿蛙)
kajika frog
(Buergeria buergeri)
- 返る:
(esp. 返る)
to return
to come back
to go back
(See 裏返る)
to turn over
(esp. 返る)
(See 静まり返る)
(after the -masu stem of a verb)
(to become)
(to become)
- 還る:
(See 返る・1)
to return
to come home
to go home
to go back
(of a guest, customer, etc.)
to leave
(of a baseball player rounding the bases)
to get home
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