

英日字典: きあいをいれる


  • 気合をいれる


    to fire oneself up
    to give it one's all
    to get psyched
    to motivate oneself

    to fire someone up
    (with scolding, corporal punishment, etc.)
    to rouse

  • 気合いをいれる


    to fire oneself up
    to give it one's all
    to get psyched
    to motivate oneself

    to fire someone up
    (with scolding, corporal punishment, etc.)
    to rouse

  • 気合いを入れる


    to fire oneself up
    to give it one's all
    to get psyched
    to motivate oneself

    to fire someone up
    (with scolding, corporal punishment, etc.)
    to rouse

  • 気合を入れる


    to fire oneself up
    to give it one's all
    to get psyched
    to motivate oneself

    to fire someone up
    (with scolding, corporal punishment, etc.)
    to rouse

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