

英日字典: こむ


  • 混む


    to be crowded
    to be packed


    (See 手の込んだ)
    to be complex



    (込む only)
    to go into
    to put into
    to remain
    to be plunged into
    to do thoroughly


    (込む only)
    to do intently


    (込む only)
    to continue in the same state


  • 篭む


    to be crowded
    to be packed


    (See 手の込んだ)
    to be complex



    (込む only)
    to go into
    to put into
    to remain
    to be plunged into
    to do thoroughly


    (込む only)
    to do intently


    (込む only)
    to continue in the same state


  • 籠む


    to be crowded
    to be packed


    (See 手の込んだ)
    to be complex



    (込む only)
    to go into
    to put into
    to remain
    to be plunged into
    to do thoroughly


    (込む only)
    to do intently


    (込む only)
    to continue in the same state


  • 込む


    to be crowded
    to be packed


    (See 手の込んだ)
    to be complex



    (込む only)
    to go into
    to put into
    to remain
    to be plunged into
    to do thoroughly


    (込む only)
    to do intently


    (込む only)
    to continue in the same state


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