英日字典: ごみ箱
2 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- trash can, ashbin, ashcan, ash-bin, garbage can, ash bin, trash barrel, wastebin, dustbin, trash bin
- ごみ入れ, ごみ入, ごみ箱, 塵箱, 芥箱, 塵入
- a bin that holds rubbish until it is collected
- がらくたを収集するまで入れておくもの
- wastepaper basket, waste basket, circular file, waste-paper basket, wastebasket
- 紙くずかご, 紙屑籠, 屑かご, くず篭, ごみ箱, ゴミ箱, 紙屑篭, 屑籠, 屑篭, 屑入れ, 反古籠, 紙くず篭
- a container with an open top; for discarded paper and other rubbish
- 上部が開いた容器
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