

英日字典: すむ


  • 住む


    (See 棲む)
    to live
    (of humans)
    to reside
    to inhabit
    to dwell
    to abide


  • 栖む


    (See 住む)
    to live
    (of animals)
    to inhabit
    to nest

  • 棲む


    (See 住む)
    to live
    (of animals)
    to inhabit
    to nest

  • 清む

    to clear
    (e.g. weather)
    to become transparent


  • 済む


    to finish
    to end
    to be completed

    to merely result in something less severe than expected

    to feel at ease


    (in the negative)

    (See すみません)
    to feel unease or guilt for troubling someone
    to be sorry


  • 澄む

    to clear
    (e.g. weather)
    to become transparent


  • 濟む


    to finish
    to end
    to be completed

    to merely result in something less severe than expected

    to feel at ease


    (in the negative)

    (See すみません)
    to feel unease or guilt for troubling someone
    to be sorry


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