英日字典: みめよい
3 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- bonny, bonnie, sightly, fair, comely
- 見目よい, 人目を引く, 見目麗しい, みめよい, 眉目よい, 見目好い, 見て感じがよい, 眉目好い
- very pleasing to the eye; "my bonny lass"; "there's a bonny bay beyond"; "a comely face"; "young fair maidens"
- 非常に目に心地良い
- better-looking, good-looking, handsome, well-favoured, well-favored, fine-looking
- グッドルッキング, 格好よい, 素敵, 眩い, 奇麗, 見目よい, 端整, 美しい, ハンサム, 格好のいい, 格好いい, 見目麗しい, きれい, みめよい, 綺麗, 眉目よい, 見目好い, 見目良い, 眉目好い
- pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion; "a fine-looking woman"; "a good-looking man"; "better-looking than her sister"; "very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome"- Thackeray; "our southern women are well-favored"- Lillian Hellman
- 形体と比率の理想への調和による見かけ上の心地よさ
- beautiful
- 明媚, 佳, 美美しい, 風光明媚, 眩い, 奇麗, 素晴らしい, 見目よい, 麗ら, 艶, 麗しげ, 美事, 美しい, 美しげ, 麗しい, 美的, 麗らか, 見目麗しい, 佳麗, きれい, 美麗, 良い, ビューティフル, 見事, 可愛い, みめよい, 綺麗, 絶佳, 奥ゆかしい, 明美, 美々しい, 眉目よい, 優, 端麗, 秀麗, 見目好い, 艶やか, 眉目好い, 婉美, 艷やか
- delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration; "a beautiful child"; "beautiful country"; "a beautiful painting"; "a beautiful theory"; "a beautiful party"
- 感覚を活気づけ、知的情緒的賞賛を喚起する
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