英日字典: 一向
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- engrossed, captive, intent, wrapped, absorbed, enwrapped
- 只管, 一心不乱, 一向, 夢中
- giving or marked by complete attention to; "that engrossed look or rapt delight"; "then wrapped in dreams"; "so intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred"- Walter de la Mare; "rapt with wonder"; "wrapped in thought"
- 完全に注意を向ける、または注意を払う
- earnest, solemn, sincere
- 真正直, 真面目, 一途, いちず, 直向, きまじめ, 真剣, 本気, まじめ, 熱心, 熱誠, ひたむき, 一向, 一筋, 生真面目, 一生懸命, 直向き, 真摯, 切, 一向き, 懸命, 生まじめ
- characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions; "both sides were deeply in earnest, even passionate"; "an entirely sincere and cruel tyrant"; "a film with a solemn social message"
- あなたの意見の正当性についての堅くユーモアのない考えによって特徴づけられる
- whole, entirely, wholly, all, altogether, completely, totally
- ふつに, 完膚無き迄に, 掻暮, みっちり, まんざら, すっかり, 丸っ切り, ずぶ, ぷっつり, 丸きし, 根っから, 丸切, 万万, 完膚無き迄, さっぱり, 満更, からきり, まる切し, 全く, おさおさ, 頓と, まるきり, 完膚なきまでに, 一に, すっぱり, 皆乍, 一円, 皆乍ら, 丸で, まるで, とんと, 掻い暮れ, 丸っきり, 丸切し, ふっつり, いっこう, 壱に, 凡て, ずっぷり, 凡そ, みっしり, 完膚なきまで, 皆目, 諸に, まるっきり, 何も, ふっつと, 一向, 丸切り, かたきし, まったく, 徹頭徹尾, 皆色, 掻暮れ, 一切, 凡, 全然, からっきし, 完全, およそ, からきし, 奇麗さっぱり, まる切り, 皆式
- to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly'); "he was wholly convinced"; "entirely satisfied with the meal"; "it was completely different from what we expected"; "was completely at fault"; "a totally new situation"; "the directions were all wrong"; "it was not altogether her fault"; "an altogether new approach"; "a whole new idea"
- 完全な程度、一杯になるまで、または全範囲
- quite a, quite, quite an
- よっぽど, 殊の外, 余っ程, 全く, なかなか立派な, 本に, 可也, ほんに, 実際に, 可成, 丸で, まるで, ずいぶん, とっても, 大した, 結構, 実に, 一向, 殆, 余程, 随分
- of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative); "her victory was quite something"; "she's quite a girl"; "quite a film"; "quite a walk"; "we've had quite an afternoon"
- 異常に目立つ、または、例外的な、または、驚くべき種の(否定的には使用されない)
- at all, in the least, the least bit
- ちっとも, さっぱり, からっきり, 一向に, さらに, 更々, 丸で, 露いささかも, てんで, 露も, 露, 少しも, 更に, 毫も, かつふつ, 一向, 些とも, 一つも, 露聊かも, かたきし, 露聊も, 露ほども, 更更, 一切, からっきし, からきし, つゆ
- in the slightest degree or in any respect; "Are you at all interested? No, not at all"; "was not in the least unfriendly"
- 最もわずかな程度で、または、どんな点でも
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