英日字典: 仇
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- feud
- 敵, 仇, 不和
- a bitter quarrel between two parties
- 二者の間の激しい口論
- evil
- 害悪, 凶, 禍, 禍害, 仇, 厄, 災い, 厄難, 禍災, 惨禍, 害毒, 荼毒, 弊害
- that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune; "the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones"- Shakespeare
- 害、破壊または不運を引き起こすそれ
- gall, rancour, rancor, resentment, bitterness
- 辛辣, 憎み, 怨嗟, 仇, 憤り, 遺恨, 憎しみ, 憤慨, 忿怒, 怨恨, 怨み, 激憤, 憤懣, 憤怒, 忿懣, 欝憤, 恨み
- a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
- 深くにがにがしい怒りと敵意
- wrecking, laying waste, ruin, ruining, ruination
- 壊滅, 荒廃, 敵, 仇, 疲弊, 破滅, 破壊, 潰滅, 没落, 滅亡, 衰亡
- destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
- 何かが破壊または損壊されるようにすることで達成される破壊
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