英日字典: 侮辱
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- abuse, revilement, vilification, insult, contumely
- 憎まれ口, 譏り, 悪たれ口, 罵倒, 悪口, 誹謗, 痛罵, 罵り, 謗言, 誹, 辱, 辱しめ, 謗り, 雑言, 謗, そしり, 罵詈讒謗, そしりはしり, 嘲罵, 唾罵, 侮辱, 譏, さがな口, 謗り言, 罵詈雑言, 讒謗, 悪態, 冷罵, 無礼な言葉, 悪言, 罵言, 侮言, 悪口雑言, 無礼, 罵詈, 誹り, 恥辱, 辱め
- a rude expression intended to offend or hurt; "when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse"; "they yelled insults at the visiting team"
- 不快感を与えるまたは傷つける意図のある失礼な表現
- slight, rebuff
- 蔑み, 侮り, 拒絶, 蔑視, 侮, 蔑ろ, 貶み, 貶, 軽視, 蔑, 侮辱, 侮蔑, 肘鉄, ないがしろ, 恥辱, 肘鉄砲
- a deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval)
- 故意の無礼な行為(通常怒りや非難の表現として)
- indignity
- 汚辱, 屈辱, 侮辱, 恥辱
- an affront to one's dignity or self-esteem
- 人の尊厳や自負心に対する侮辱
- disdain, scorn, despite, contempt
- 軽べつ, 蔑み, 侮り, 蔑視, 侮, 貶み, 貶, 軽視, 蔑, 侮慢, 軽蔑, 侮辱, 軽侮, 侮蔑, 嘲弄
- lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike; "he was held in contempt"; "the despite in which outsiders were held is legendary"
- 強い嫌悪からくる尊敬の欠如
- insult, affront
- 侮辱, 恥辱
- a deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect; "turning his back on me was a deliberate insult"
- 故意の不快な行為、または意図的な軽蔑の効果を生じるもの
- affront, diss, insult
- 凌辱, 陵辱, 辱める, 侮慢, 嘲罵, 侮辱, 叩く
- treat, mention, or speak to rudely; "He insulted her with his rude remarks"; "the student who had betrayed his classmate was dissed by everyone"
- 無礼に扱う、言及するまたは話す
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