英日字典: 兆
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- foretoken, preindication, sign, augury
- 先ぶれ, 先触, 萌, 先触れ, オーメン, 兆し, 兆, 萌し, 兆候, 幸先, 知らせ, 徴候, 徴, 予兆, サイン, 前兆, 卜占, 前表
- an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come; "he hoped it was an augury"; "it was a sign from God"
- 重大なことが起こることを示すと感じられる出来事
- sign, mark
- 表徴, 徴証, 表われ, 息差, 先ぶれ, 先触, 萌, 顕れ, 先触れ, 印, 兆し, 兆, 気配, 萌し, 標, 息差し, 影, 兆候, 幸先, 気色, 知らせ, 徴候, 徴, 予兆, 徴表, 息吹き, サイン, 表れ, 前兆, 顕われ, 気振り, 前表, 徴標
- a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened); "he showed signs of strain"; "they welcomed the signs of spring"
- 即座に明らかにならないものの知覚できる手がかり(何かが起きたはっきりと見える手がかりとして)
- 1000000000000, billion, one million million
- 兆
- the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros; in the United Kingdom the usage followed in the United States is frequently seen
- 1の後に0が12個続くものとして表される数
- symptom
- 兆し, 兆, 兆候, 徴候, 前兆
- anything that accompanies X and is regarded as an indication of X's existence
- Xに付随し、Xの存在のしるしと見なされるもの
- indication, indicant
- しるし, 暗示, 萌, 兆し, 兆, 気配, 現れ, 萌し, 兆候, 徴候, 現われ, 表示, 徴, 表れ, 前兆
- something that serves to indicate or suggest; "an indication of foul play"; "indications of strain"; "symptoms are the prime indicants of disease"
- 何かを示すまたは暗示するのに役立つもの
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