英日字典: 削除
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- deletion
- 削除
- the act of deleting something written or printed
- 書かれたもの、または印刷されたものを削る行為
- deletion, cut, excision
- 削除, 切り傷
- the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage; "an editor's deletions frequently upset young authors"; "both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause"
- 編集上の変化が書かれた一節を短くするときに削除された部分
- erasure
- 抹消, 削除
- a correction made by erasing; "there were many erasures in the typescript"
- 削除による訂正
- obliterate, kill, wipe out
- 払拭, 削除, 消す
- mark for deletion, rub off, or erase; "kill these lines in the President's speech"
- 削除、消去、消すために印を付ける
- cancel, delete
- 削る, 削除, 外す, 消す
- remove or make invisible; "Please delete my name from your list"
- 取り除くまたは見えなくする
- delete, erase
- 消去, 除去, 銷却, 消却, 削除, 消除, 消し去る, 消す
- wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information; "Who erased the files form my hard disk?"
- デジタル的にまたは磁気により、記録情報を消す
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