英日字典: 反応
11 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- reaction
- 反応
- a response that reveals a person's feelings or attitude; "he was pleased by the audience's reaction to his performance"; "John feared his mother's reaction when she saw the broken lamp"
- 人の感情や態度を表す反応
- response
- 反応, 反響, 応答
- a result; "this situation developed in response to events in Africa"
- 結果
- reaction, response
- 反応, リアクション, リスポンス, レスポンス
- a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent; "a bad reaction to the medicine"; "his responses have slowed with age"
- 先行する刺激や作用物質の影響によって起こる身体的な作用
- reaction
- 反応, リアクション, 手答え, 反落, 反作用, 副作用, フィードバック, 反動
- doing something in opposition to another way of doing it that you don't like; "his style of painting was a reaction against cubism"
- 好まない他のやり方に対抗して何かをすること
- reply, response
- 反応, 答弁, リスポンス, レスポンス, 回答, 手答え, 手応え, 応答, 返事, 応え, 答申, 答え, 返答, 答, リプライ
- the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange; "he growled his reply"
- 継続する会話の交換における言語行為
- reaction
- 反応, リアクション
- an idea evoked by some experience; "his reaction to the news was to start planning what to do"
- ある経験から引き起こされる考え
- reaction, chemical reaction
- 反応, 化学反応
- (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others; "there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water"
- 1つ以上の物質が他の物に変わるという過程
- respond
- 反応, 答える, 応ずる, 応じる, 応える
- respond favorably or as hoped; "The cancer responded to the aggressive therapy"
- 望まれるように、好意的に反応する
- react
- 反応
- undergo a chemical reaction; react with another substance under certain conditions; "The hydrogen and the oxygen react"
- 化学反応が起こる
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