英日字典: 口論
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- run-in, row, quarrel, words, dustup, wrangle
- 論争, 言い争い, 口争, 争議, 言合, 言い合い, 言合い, 口喧嘩, 論判, 口げんか, 物言, 物言い, 諍い, 口争い, 悶着, 言いあい, いさかい, 口論, 言争い, 物抗, 喧嘩
- an angry dispute; "they had a quarrel"; "they had words"
- 怒って論争すること
- squabble, bickering, pettifoggery, tiff, spat, fuss, bicker
- 争議, 言合, 言い合い, 争い, 言合い, いざこざ, 諠譁, 諍い, 悶着, 言いあい, 確執, 口論, 喧嘩
- a quarrel about petty points
- 小さなつまらない喧嘩
- arguing, contestation, disceptation, tilt, argument, contention, controversy, disputation
- 論争, 言い争い, 争議, 言い合い, 論判, 物言, 物言い, 諍い, 論議, 論議すること, 論戦, 口論, アーギュメント, 言争い, 争論, 対立, 舌戦, 議論
- a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement; "they were involved in a violent argument"
- 議論のある言語行為
- altercate, argufy, scrap, dispute, quarrel
- 論争, 争う, 言いあらそう, 渡り合う, 論判, 渡りあう, 諍い, 言争う, 言い争う, 口論, 争論, やり合う, 諍う, 遣り合う, 喧嘩
- have a disagreement over something; "We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America"; "These two fellows are always scrapping over something"
- 何かについて合意しない
- wrangle, brawl
- ほざく, 口論
- to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively; "The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street"
- 騒々しく、怒って、または、破壊的に喧嘩する
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