英日字典: 合せて
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- concurrently, at the same time
- 併せて, 同時的, あわせて, 合わせて, 同時に, 合せて
- overlapping in duration; "concurrently with the conference an exhibition of things associated with Rutherford was held"; "going to school and holding a job at the same time"
- 継続時間内において重なったさま
- likewise, besides, also, too, as well
- 併せて, 剰え, かつ, あわせて, 尚又, かてて加えて, 亦, 糅てて加えて, 加えて, 且つ, そのうえ, 合わせて, 其れに, 又, 他に, 合せて, 外に, 尚且つ, また
- in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too"
- さらに
- besides, in any case
- 併せて, 剰え, 兎や角, あわせて, 尚又, 何れ, かてて加えて, 糅てて加えて, 兎にも角にも, 兎に角, そのうえ, 何の道, 何はなくとも, 兎も有れ, とまれかくまれ, 兎もかく, 兎にかく, 合わせて, 兎に角に, どうせ, 何は無くとも, 其れに, どの道, 孰れ, ともあれかくもあれ, 又, 兎も角, 他に, 合せて, 兎も角も, 猶も, 尚且つ, なにはともあれ, 何はともあれ, 尚も
- making an additional point; anyway; "I don't want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can't afford it"; "she couldn't shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn't always with her"
- 追加的な事項を作るさま
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