英日字典: 型
16 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- brand, make
- 銘柄, ジャンル, 型, 種類
- a recognizable kind; "there's a new brand of hero in the movies now"; "what make of car is that?"
- 認識できる種類
- type
- タイプ, 類い, 類型, 型, 種類, 類
- a subdivision of a particular kind of thing; "what type of sculpture do you prefer?"
- ある種のものの下位区分
- form, kind, variety, sort
- ジャンル, タイプ, 類型, 型, 種, 様式, 形態, 部類, 毛色, 種類, 類
- a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality; "sculpture is a form of art"; "what kinds of desserts are there?"
- 共通の特徴や質で区別されるものの範疇
- type
- タイプ, 型, 種類
- (biology) the taxonomic group whose characteristics are used to define the next higher taxon
- 分類群で、その特徴がすぐ上位の分類を定義するのに使われる
- type
- タイプ, 型
- all of the tokens of the same symbol; "the word `element' contains five different types of character"
- 同じ記号のトークンのすべて
- imprint, impression, depression
- 型
- a concavity in a surface produced by pressing; "he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud"
- 押し付けることによってできる表面のくぼみ
- mould, mold
- 型, 鋳型
- loose soil rich in organic matter
- 有機物に富んだぼろぼろの土壌
- type
- 型, 活字
- a small metal block bearing a raised character on one end; produces a printed character when inked and pressed on paper; "he dropped a case of type, so they made him pick them up"
- 片側に文字が浮彫りされた金属の小さなブロック
- mould, cast, mold
- 型枠, 金型, 型, 鋳型, 枠, 母型
- container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens
- 液体がそそぎ込まれ固まったときに特定の形になる容器
- model
- タイプ, 型式, 型, モデル
- a type of product; "his car was an old model"
- 製品の型
- expressive style, style
- 流儀, スタイル, 型, 様式, 表現方法, 表現スタイル, 手法, 作風
- a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period; "all the reporters were expected to adopt the style of the newspaper"
- 個人、グループあるいは時代に特有の(言語、芸術、音楽などによる)表現方法
- impression
- 型, 歯型
- (dentistry) an imprint of the teeth and gums in wax or plaster; "the dentist took an impression for use in preparing an inlay"
- 歯と歯茎をろうまたはプラスターで取った跡
- form, shape
- 形姿, フォーム, 外形, 型, 形態, 形体, フォルム, 形, 形状
- the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance; "geometry is the mathematical science of shape"
- 実質を除外したある物の空間的配置
- mould, stamp, cast, mold
- 型, 鋳型, 母型
- the distinctive form in which a thing is made; "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"
- ものが作られる際の代表的な形式
- form, shape, pattern
- パターン, パタン, 型, 形態, 形体
- a perceptual structure; "the composition presents problems for students of musical form"; "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them"
- 知覚の構造
- type
- 型, 活字
- printed characters; "small type is hard to read"
- 印刷された文字
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