英日字典: 壊す
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- demolish, pulverise, pulverize
- 抹する, 壊滅, 擂り潰す, 滅ぼす, 潰す, ぶち毀す, 摺砕く, 取りつぶす, 打ち壊す, 取りくずす, 毀つ, 掘崩す, ぶち壊す, 打ちこわす, 破壊, ぶっ壊す, 磨砕く, 潰滅, 壊つ, 打ち毀す, 取壊す, 取り潰す, 取りこわす, 大破, 取崩す, 取毀し, 取潰す, 取り壊し, 微粉砕, 打毀す, 擂り砕く, 取り崩す, 壊す, 取り毀し, 取り払う, 磨り潰す, 磨り砕く, 打壊す, 取り壊す, 摺り砕く, 擂砕く, 取毀す, 損壊, 毀す, 取壊し, 取り毀す, 叩き壊す
- destroy completely; "the wrecking ball demolished the building"; "demolish your enemies"; "pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand"
- 撃滅する
- bust up, wrack, wreck
- 打っ毀す, 打ち壊す, 打っ壊す, ぶち壊す, 破壊, ぶっ壊す, 壊す, ぶっ毀す, 損壊
- smash or break forcefully; "The kid busted up the car"
- 破壊するまたは、力強く壊す
- break, bust
- 損なう, ぶっ潰す, 害う, 打っ潰す, 潰す, 毀損, 打潰す, 毀つ, 破壊, ぶっ壊す, 打っつぶす, 壊つ, 損ずる, 壊す, 毀す
- ruin completely; "He busted my radio!"
- 完全に破滅する
- break
- 毀損, 毀つ, 壊つ, 壊す, 損壊, 毀す
- render inoperable or ineffective; "You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"
- 実行できなくする、または効果をなくす
- put down, destroy
- 滅ぼす, 切り枯らす, 敗る, 亡ぼす, 撃つ, 壊す, 崩す, 破る
- put (an animal) to death; "The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid"; "the sick cat had to be put down"
- (動物を)殺す
- break
- 破壊, 壊す
- make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing; "The ranks broke"
- 退却または逃走により敵または自身の仲間に仲たがいを作る
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