英日字典: 変化
22 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- transfiguration
- 変化, 変貌
- the act of transforming so as to exalt or glorify
- 賞揚したり賛美したりするために形を変える行為
- variation
- 変化
- the act of changing or altering something slightly but noticeably from the norm or standard; "who is responsible for these variations in taxation?"
- 変わるか、基準または標準からわずかだが顕著に何かを変更する行為
- change
- 変易, 変更, 遷移, 変転, 遷り変わり, 遷, 遷り変り, 変わり, 変化, 移り変わり, 変動, 転変, 変容, 変様, 変形, 変移, 変遷, 変り, 転遷
- the result of alteration or modification; "there were marked changes in the lining of the lungs"; "there had been no change in the mountains"
- 変化あるいは変形の結果
- variation, fluctuation
- バリエーション, 差異, 変わり, 変化, 変動, 変異, 変移, ヴァリエーション, 増減, 変り, 上がり下がり, 揺らぎ, ゆらぎ
- an instance of change; the rate or magnitude of change
- 変化する例
- hob, hobgoblin, goblin
- 変化, お化け, 化生, 妖精, 魔物, 御化け
- (folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that makes trouble for human beings
- 人間に悪さをする小さく不気味な超自然の生き物
- turning
- 変化
- act of changing in practice or custom; "the law took many turnings over the years"
- 慣例や習慣において変化する行為
- change, alteration, modification
- 変易, 変替, 変更, 遷移, 模様替, 変転, 変わり様, 遷り変わり, うつり変わり, 遷り変り, 移い, 変わり, 移り変り, 変質, 変化, 変相, 異変, 移り変わり, 変動, 転変, 変容, 変様, 変調, 変替え, 変形, 変態, 変移, 変遷, 変型, 変改, 変り, 変成, 変換, 変革, 移ろい, 転遷, 変わりよう, 変換え, 模様替え
- an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another; "the change was intended to increase sales"; "this storm is certainly a change for the worse"; "the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago"
- 何かが1つの状態または段階からもう一つに通過するときに、起こる出来事
- change
- 両替, 御釣り, 変化, 釣り銭, 釣, 小銭, 釣銭, 釣り
- coins of small denomination regarded collectively; "he had a pocketful of change"
- 集積的にみなされる小さな単位のコイン
- turn, turning
- 回転, 方向転換, 転回, 旋回, 変化, 輪番, 旋廻, 変り, 廻転, 変わり目, 自転
- a movement in a new direction; "the turning of the wind"
- 新しい方向への動き
- variation
- バリエーション, 変化, 変動
- an artifact that deviates from a norm or standard; "he patented a variation on the sandal"
- 基準または標準からそれる人工品
- apparition
- 怨霊, 幽霊, 変化, お化け, 幻姿, 出現, 亡霊, 魔物, 妖怪, 妖魔, 御化け
- the appearance of a ghostlike figure; "I was recalled to the present by the apparition of a frightening specter"
- 幽霊のような人影の出現
- declension
- 変化
- a class of nouns or pronouns or adjectives in Indo-European languages having the same (or very similar) inflectional forms; "the first declension in Latin"
- 同じ(または非常に類似的な)屈曲形があるインドヨーロッパ語族の名詞、代名詞、形容詞の種類
- change
- 移り, 遷移, 変転, 遷り変わり, 遷, 遷り変り, 移い, 変わり, 移り変り, 変化, 移り変わり, 変動, 変容, 変移, 変遷, 変り, 移ろい, 転遷
- a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event; "he attributed the change to their marriage"
- 状態間の相関的な違い
- changeover, transition, conversion
- 移り, 移行, 変更, 遷移, スウィッチ, 過渡, 変転, コンヴァート, 遷り変わり, コンヴァージョン, コンバート, うつり変わり, 遷り変り, 移い, 変わり, 移り変り, 変化, 推移, 切換, 移り変わり, 組替え, 組替, 変動, 切替, 転変, 転換, 切替え, 変移, コンバージョン, 変遷, 切り換え, 切りかえ, 切換え, 変り, 変換, チェンジ, 切り替え, 移ろい, シフト, 転移
- an event that results in a transformation
- 変化をもたらす出来事
- change, variety
- 御返し, 変更, 御釣り, 多様性, 動, お返し, 替え, 変わり, 変化, 異状, 変動, 転変, 転換, 変移, 変遷, 異動, 変り, 変換, 変わり目, 乗換え, チェンジ
- a difference that is usually pleasant; "he goes to France for variety"; "it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic"
- 通例、快い相違
- incarnation, avatar, embodiment
- 権化, 変化, 現身, 体現, 具現, 化現, 化身, 権現
- a new personification of a familiar idea; "the embodiment of hope"; "the incarnation of evil"; "the very avatar of cunning"
- よく知られている概念を新たに具体化すること
- change
- 御返し, 変更, 動, お返し, 替え, 変わり, 変化, 異状, 変動, 転変, 転換, 変移, 変遷, 異動, 変り, 変換, 変わり目, 乗換え, チェンジ
- a thing that is different; "he inspected several changes before selecting one"
- 異なる物
- change
- 遷移, 変転, 変ずる, 変質, 変化, 変動, 転変, 変容, 変移, 変遷, 化する, 変わる, 変る, 化す, チェンジ, 転遷, 変じる
- undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
- 変化する
- decline
- 変化
- inflect for number, gender, case, etc., "in many languages, speakers decline nouns, pronouns, and adjectives"
- 数、性別、事実などのために屈折する、
- vary
- 違う, 異なる, 変化, 変動, 動く, 異る, 変わる, 変る
- be subject to change in accordance with a variable; "Prices vary"; "His moods vary depending on the weather"
- 変数に従って変更される傾向がある
- modify, alter, change
- 入換える, 手直し, 変換える, 修正, 入れ換える, 変更, 模様替, 改む, 換える, 異ならす, 繰りかえる, 入れ替える, 改築, 入替える, 変化, 決直す, 修整, 切り換える, 置きかえる, 脱胎, 切替える, 刷新, 入れかえる, 変形, 改易, 決め直す, 改変, 挿げ替える, 奪胎, 改造, 付替える, 動かす, 異らす, 入れ代える, 変換, 改定, 違える, 切り替える, チェンジ, 変革, 崩す, 切換える, 直す, 切り変える, 変える, スイッチ, 改正, 模様替え, 挿げかえる, 決めなおす, 変造, 改める
- cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
- 変化させる
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