英日字典: 好み
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- preference, orientation, predilection
- 好み, 片より, 偏り, 偏向, お好, 偏好, 片寄り, 嗜好, 御好み, お好み, 御好
- a predisposition in favor of something; "a predilection for expensive cars"; "his sexual preferences"; "showed a Marxist orientation"
- 何かを支持する傾向
- liking
- 好き, 好み, お好, 御好み, お好み, 御好
- a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment; "I've always had a liking for reading"; "she developed a liking for gin"
- 楽しみと喜びの感情
- inclination, tendency, disposition
- 性質, 好み, 性行, 気質, 気立て, 気立, 偏り, 性癖, 傾向
- an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others; "he had an inclination to give up too easily"; "a tendency to be too strict"
- 特にある選択肢を他の選択肢より好むという精神的な意向
- inclination
- 傾斜, 動向, 好み, 偏向, 傾き, 性癖, 傾向
- that toward which you are inclined to feel a liking; "her inclination is for classical music"
- あなたが好きになる傾向にあるもの
- preference
- 好み, 特恵, プリファレンス, 趣味, 優先権, 嗜好
- grant of favor or advantage to one over another (especially to a country or countries in matters of international trade, such as levying duties)
- 一方から他方へ利益や有利さを与えること(特に、課税など国際貿易に関して、ある国、または国々に対して)
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