英日字典: 娯楽
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- beguilement, distraction
- 憂晴し, 目移り, 憂さ晴らし, 逆上, 娯楽
- an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations
- 楽しい興味を引き起こし、心配事や腹の立つことからそらしてくれる気晴らし
- amusement, entertainment
- アミューズメント, 娯しみ, 楽しみ, エンターテインメント, 楽しび, 愉しみ, エンターテイメント, エンタテイメント, 娯楽, エンタテインメント
- an activity that is diverting and that holds the attention
- 楽しくさせる活動
- interest, pursuit, pastime
- 気晴らし, 興味, 気慰み, 慰み, 関心事, 気保養, 娯楽
- a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly); "sailing is her favorite pastime"; "his main pastime is gambling"; "he counts reading among his interests"; "they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits"
- 人の時間と思考を(通常、楽しく)占める娯楽
- recreation, diversion
- 気晴らし, 心行かし, 気散じ, 娯しみ, 憂晴し, 遊び, 楽しみ, お慰み, 気慰み, 慰み, レクリエイション, 命の洗濯, 心遣り, 命のせんたく, リクリエーション, 気晴し, 憂さ晴し, 皺伸ばし, 御慰み, 遊び事, 心遣, レクリェーション, 憂さ晴らし, 愉しみ, レクリエーション, 忘種, 気なぐさみ, 忘れ種, 遊, 気保養, 忘憂, 娯楽, 御遊, 憂晴, 心慰, 心やり, 慰め
- an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates; "scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists"; "for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles"; "drug abuse is often regarded as a form of recreation"
- 気晴らしをしたり、楽しんだり、刺激になったりするような活動
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