英日字典: 導く
15 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- lead
- 導く, 誘導
- cause to undertake a certain action; "Her greed led her to forge the checks"
- 特定の行動を行わせる
- drive
- 押立てる, 逐う, 駈る, 押したてる, 押す, 狩りたてる, 導く, 狩立てる, 駆る, 追う, 狩り立てる, 追い込む, 狩出す
- to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly; "She is driven by her passion"
- 強制的にさせる、強要する、執拗に促す、高圧的な圧力をかける、あるいは強く刺激する
- land, bring
- 導く
- bring into a different state; "this may land you in jail"
- 異なる状態にさせる
- deal, conduct, carry on
- 営む, 主導, 指導, 導く, 掌理, 行う, 掌る, 指麾, 指揮, 経営
- direct the course of; manage or control; "You cannot conduct business like this"
- 方針を指示する
- guide, steer
- 手引, 勧める, 教化, 誘掖, 指導, 導く, 手びき, 誘導, 先導, 手引き, ガイド, 嚮導
- be a guiding or motivating force or drive; "The teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses"
- 案内する、強く動機するあるいは駆り立てる
- conduct
- 導く, 指揮
- lead musicians in the performance of; "Bernstein conducted Mahler like no other conductor"; "she cannot conduct modern pieces"
- 公演で音楽家を指揮する
- bring
- 導く
- cause to come into a particular state or condition; "Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence"; "bring water to the boiling point"
- 特定の状態または形勢に至らせる
- guide, lead, direct, conduct, take
- 連れる, 導く, 誘導, 案内
- take somebody somewhere; "We lead him to our chief"; "can you take me to the main entrance?"; "He conducted us to the palace"
- 誰かをどこかに連れて行く
- go, lead
- 導く, 通じる
- lead, extend, or afford access; "This door goes to the basement"; "The road runs South"
- 導く、広がる、あるいはアクセスを提供する
- shepherd
- 導く, 引率
- watch over like a shepherd, as a teacher of her pupils
- 例えば生徒に対する教師と同様に、羊飼いのように世話をする
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