英日字典: 崇拝
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- veneration, awe, fear, reverence
- 崇敬, 尊崇, 敬意, 恭敬, 尊敬, 崇拝, 畏敬, 思案
- a feeling of profound respect for someone or something; "the fear of God"; "the Chinese reverence for the dead"; "the French treat food with gentle reverence"; "his respect for the law bordered on veneration"
- 誰かまたは何かに対する畏敬の念
- adoration, worship
- 愛慕, 讃美, 心酔, 礼拝, 傾倒, 讚美, 愛好, 賛美, 尊崇, 崇拝
- a feeling of profound love and admiration
- 深い愛と尊敬の感情
- adoration, idolization, idolisation
- 愛慕, 偶像化, 偶像崇拝, 讃美, 感心, 敬慕, 礼讃, 歎美, 偶像礼拝, 崇重, 心酔, 礼拝, 礼賛, 憬れ, 傾倒, 讚美, 賛美, 尊崇, 偶像視, 景仰, 渇仰, 恭敬, 嘆美, 憧憬, 尊敬, 崇拝, 欽慕
- the act of admiring strongly
- 強く賞賛する行為
- latria, adoration
- 愛慕, 讃美, 心酔, 礼拝, 傾倒, 讚美, 愛好, 賛美, 尊崇, 崇拝
- the worship given to God alone
- 神のみに捧げる礼拝
- devotion, veneration, idolatry, cultism
- 偶像崇拝, 偶像教, 献身, 偶像礼拝, 心酔, 尊崇, 恭敬, 崇拝
- religious zeal; the willingness to serve God
- 宗教的熱意
- cult, religious cult, cultus
- 崇拝
- a system of religious beliefs and rituals; "devoted to the cultus of the Blessed Virgin"
- 宗教的信仰と儀式の体系
- worship
- 崇拝
- show devotion to (a deity); "Many Hindus worship Shiva"
- (神)への献身を示す
- reverence, fear, revere, venerate
- 尊信, 敬畏, 敬う, 敬する, 崇敬, 崇める, 尊む, 讃仰, 崇めたてる, 惧れる, 敬仰, 畏懼, 推尊, 尊崇, 懼れる, 尊ぶ, 景仰, 畏れる, 欽仰, 仰望, 敬愛, 畏怖, 貴む, 崇め立てる, 尊敬, 瞻仰, 崇拝, 畏敬, 賛仰, 欽慕
- regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of; "Fear God as your father"; "We venerate genius"
- 敬意と尊敬の念を示す
- idolise, hero-worship, revere, idolize, worship
- 崇敬, 崇める, 崇めたてる, 礼讃, 敬仰, 礼賛, 推尊, 尊崇, 有り難がる, 景仰, 欽仰, 敬拝, 崇め立てる, 崇拝, 畏敬
- love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol; "Many teenagers idolized the Beatles"
- 疑わず、無批判に愛する、あるいは過度に
- look up to, admire
- 称揚, 嗟歎, 敬畏, 仰ぎみる, 敬う, 褒め上げる, 三嘆, 敬する, 推賞, 嘉賞, 嘆じる, 崇める, 尊む, 驚歎, 讃美, 感賞, 絶讃, 驚嘆, 誉め上げる, 称讃, 賞揚, 嘆ずる, 誉上げる, 感心, 仰ぐ, 賞する, 頌する, 見とれる, 歎ずる, 振り仰ぐ, 称嘆, 唸る, あおぎ見る, 憧れる, 敬慕, ふり仰ぐ, 感服, 歎美, 褒誉, 褒上げる, 嘆称, 推称, 敬仰, 称賛, 振りあおぐ, 賞嘆, 褒めあげる, 歎じる, 仰ぎ見る, 嘆賞, 鑽仰, 称美, 称誉, 傾倒, 誉める, 尊崇, 褒める, 見上げる, 嗟嘆, 詠歎, 歎称, 歎賞, 景仰, 賞賛, 渇仰, 観賞, 憬れる, 敬服, 嘆美, 慕う, 欽仰, 仰望, 賞美, 欣慕, 讃嘆, 賛する, 賞玩, 憧憬, 賞讃, 愛でる, 詠嘆, 貴む, 讃歎, 称える, 佳賞, 尊敬, 栄やす, 誉め称える, 賛嘆, 感歎, 望む, 賞翫, 瞻仰, 絶賛, 崇拝, 三歎, 賞誉, 褒め称える, 讚する, 褒めたたえる, 映やす, 振仰ぐ, 欽慕
- feel admiration for
- 賞賛を感じる
- adore
- 崇拝
- love intensely; "he just adored his wife"
- 情熱的に愛する
- worship
- 敬う, 崇める, 神拝, 礼讃, 拝む, お参り, 礼拝, 礼賛, 拝礼, 推尊, 尊崇, 奉拝, 敬拝, 御参り, 信心, 崇拝, 参拝, 斎く
- attend religious services; "They worship in the traditional manner"
- 礼拝に出席する
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