英日字典: 崩潰
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- collapse
- 崩落, 陥没, 崩潰, 倒潰, 崩壊, 陥落, 崩れ, 倒壊
- a natural event caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in; "the roof is in danger of collapse"; "the collapse of the old star under its own gravity"
- 突然倒れる、または崩れ落ちることによって引き起こされる、自然の事象
- give way, yield
- くずれ落ちる, 崩れ落ちる, 崩潰, 崩壊
- end resistance, as under pressure or force; "The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram"
- 圧力または力の下で抵抗をやめる
- founder, break, give, give way, fall in, collapse, cave in
- くずれ落ちる, 決壊, 崩落ちる, 壊れる, 崩れ落ちる, 決潰, 破壊, 崩潰, 全潰, 倒潰, 崩壊, 全壊, 失敗, 崩れおちる, 倒壊, 崩れる
- break down, literally or metaphorically; "The wall collapsed"; "The business collapsed"; "The dam broke"; "The roof collapsed"; "The wall gave in"; "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice"
- 文字通り、または、比喩的に壊れる
- tumble, crumble, break down, crumple, collapse
- 決壊, 崩れ落ちる, 崩落, 崩れ去る, 決潰, 崩潰, 全潰, 潰れる, 倒潰, 崩壊, 全壊, 瓦解, 倒壊, 潰える, 崩れる
- fall apart; "the building crumbled after the explosion"; "Negotiations broke down"
- 砕ける
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