英日字典: 弁論
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- oration
- 弁論
- an instance of oratory; "he delivered an oration on the decline of family values"
- 演説する機会
- discussion, discourse, treatment
- 話し合い, ディスカッション, 談論, 言論, 論議, 談義, 態度, 辯論, 弁論, 談議, 話合い, 議論
- an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic; "the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic"; "his treatment of the race question is badly biased"
- ある議題を巡っての広範にわたる(しばしば相互的な)コミュニケーション
- argue, debate, fence, contend
- 論争, 言いあう, 論じ合う, 言合, 言いあらそう, 言い合い, 渡り合う, 言合い, 論判, 渡りあう, 言合う, 論議, 言争う, 論じあう, 言いあい, 言い合う, 論戦, 言い争う, 辯論, 弁論, 討議, 討論, 論ずる, 論じる, 議論
- have an argument about something
- 何かに対する議論をする
- talk over, hash out, discuss
- 議する, 話しあう, 話し合い, 談ずる, 論じ合う, ディスカッション, 評議, 相談, 談論, 話し合う, 論議, 論じあう, 話合, 議す, 辯論, 熟議, 弁論, 討議, 討論, 僉議, 談議, 話合い, 話しあい, 論ずる, 論じる, 議論
- speak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion; "We discussed our household budget"
- (何か)について他と話す
- discourse, talk about, discuss
- 議する, 論う, 話しあう, 論じ合う, ディスカッション, 談論, 話し合う, 論議, 論じあう, 対論, 議す, 講演, 共議, 弁論, 討議, 討論, 談議, 論ずる, 論じる, 講義, 議論
- to consider or examine in speech or writing; "The author talks about the different aspects of this question"; "The class discussed Dante's `Inferno'"
- スピーチまたは文章で熟慮するまたは調査する
- argue, reason
- 論辨, 談ずる, 論述, 判断, 談論, 立論, 論議, 論辯, 議す, 主張, 辯論, 論弁, 弁論, 論ずる, 論じる, 議論, 弁じる
- present reasons and arguments
- 理由と論拠を提示する
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