英日字典: 忠誠
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- sincerity
- 真情, 真正直, 率直さ, 真面目, 信, 実意, 赤心, 衷情, 篤実, 本気, 丹赤, 実法, 至情, 誠情, 至誠心, 丹誠, まじめ, 真率さ, 篤実さ, 真率, 誠心, 赤誠, 真, 信実, 篤厚, 至誠, 実体, 誠意, 正直, 誠, 真摯さ, 至心, 情実, 実直さ, 忠誠, 実, 実直, 誠実, 丹心, 真心, 誠実さ
- the quality of being open and truthful; not deceitful or hypocritical; "his sincerity inspired belief"; "they demanded some proof of my sincerity"
- 率直で誠実な性質
- faith
- 信, 忠義, 信義, 忠誠, 信念
- loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person; "keep the faith"; "they broke faith with their investors"
- ある主義や人物に対する忠義や忠心
- dedication, commitment, allegiance, loyalty
- 忠義立て, 忠実さ, 忠, 誠忠, 献身, 忠義, 忠誠, 忠勤, 忠順, 忠節
- the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action; "his long commitment to public service"; "they felt no loyalty to a losing team"
- 行動計画に自身を(知的または感情的に)束縛する行為
- fidelity, faithfulness
- 律儀, 信, 操, 忠義, 貞節, 信実, 節操, 信義, 誠, 忠誠, 実, 真実性, 律義, 操守, 丹心, 忠実
- the quality of being faithful
- 忠実である性質
- loyal
- 忠良, 忠義, 忠誠, 忠順, 忠実
- steadfast in allegiance or duty; "loyal subjects"; "loyal friends stood by him"
- 忠誠または任務において不動である
- faithful
- 律儀, 篤実, 忠義, もの忠実やか, 忠直, 篤厚, 実体, もの堅い, 貞実, 忠誠, 律義, 物堅い, 誠実, 忠実
- steadfast in affection or allegiance; "years of faithful service"; "faithful employees"; "we do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor"
- 愛情または忠誠でしっかりとした
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