英日字典: 怠慢
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- negligence, neglect, carelessness, nonperformance
- 失着, 不行き届き, 不行届き, 不注意, 等閑, 怠慢, 過怠, 無視, 仮初め, 不始末, 油断, 不覚, 不仕末, 仮初, ネグレクト
- failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances
- 道理をわきまえた人が同じ状況下で行う思慮のない行動
- clock-watching
- 怠慢
- paying excessive attention to the clock (in anticipation of stopping work)
- (仕事が終わることを期待して)度を超えて時計を見ていること
- sloth, laziness, acedia
- 怠惰, 休怠, 不精, 怠慢, 無精, 横着, 怠情
- apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- 徳を実行するにあたっての無感動や消極性(7つの大罪の1つとして体現される)
- negligence, neglectfulness, neglect
- 疎放, 弛み, 不行届, 不行き届き, 怠り, 忽略, 手抜き, 怠, 投げ遣り, 手抜かり, 不行届き, 閑却, 等閑, 不届き, 怠慢, 手おち, ほったらかし, 無精, 懈怠, 軽視, 遣りっぱなし, 忽せ, やりっ放し, 抛擲, 緩怠, 遣っ放し, 粗慢, 遣りっ放し, ないがしろ, 手落ち, 閑卻, 忽諸, 粗放, 疎慢
- the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern
- 責任を怠り、懸念が欠如している特徴
- dereliction, delinquency, willful neglect
- 怠慢
- a tendency to be negligent and uncaring; "he inherited his delinquency from his father"; "his derelictions were not really intended as crimes"; "his adolescent protest consisted of willful neglect of all his responsibilities"
- 怠慢で無頓着な傾向
- indolence, laziness
- 怠慢さ, 遊惰, 無精さ, ぐうたら, 怠惰さ, 怠惰, 休怠, 物臭, 不精, 不精さ, 惰気, 怠慢, 無精, 惰眠, 懈怠, らん惰, 寛怠, 懶, 骨惜しみ, 怠け癖, 物ぐさ, 緩怠, ものぐさ, 横着, なまくら, 怠情, 懶惰
- inactivity resulting from a dislike of work
- 仕事への嫌悪に起因する不活発
- omission
- 怠慢, 遺漏
- something that has been omitted; "she searched the table for omissions"
- 省略された何か
- otiose, slothful, work-shy, faineant, lazy, indolent
- 便々たる, 物ぐさい, ぐうたら, 怠惰, もの臭い, 気だるい, 気怠い, 不精ったらしい, 物臭, 不まじめ, 不精, 怠慢, しり重, 無精, 懶げ, 懶い, らん惰, 懶, 物ぐさ, ものぐさ, 横着, 無精ったらしい, 慵げ, なまくら, 懶惰, 鈍ら, ずぼら
- disinclined to work or exertion; "faineant kings under whose rule the country languished"; "an indolent hanger-on"; "too lazy to wash the dishes"; "shiftless idle youth"; "slothful employees"; "the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy"
- 仕事または骨の折れる仕事に対してやる気が起こらない
- delinquent, remiss, derelict, neglectful
- 怠慢
- failing in what duty requires; "derelict (or delinquent) in his duty"; "neglectful of his duties"; "remiss of you not to pay your bills"
- 義務が要求するものが不足しているさま
- neglectful, inattentive
- 怠慢
- not showing due care or attention; "inattentive students"; "an inattentive babysitter"; "neglectful parents"
- 十分な注意あるいは関心を示さないさま
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