英日字典: 揣摩臆測
4 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- surmisal, hypothesis, speculation, conjecture, supposition, surmise, guess
- 推当て, 推しあて, 臆度, 推測, 忖度, 推考, 推し当て, 察し, 想察, 予断, 推当, 当て推量, 想像, 臆測, 仮定, 憶断, 臆断, 推論, 仮想, 臆説, 押推量, 憶測, 当てずっぽう, 目算, 恐察, 揣摩憶測, 推し言, 推定, 推量, 推察, 推知, 想定, 揣摩臆測, 押し推量, 憶説, 予測, 見当, 仮説, 心当て, 推度, 揣摩, あて推量
- a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
- 不完全な証拠に基づく意見を表すメッセージ
- speculation, conjecture
- 推当て, 壁越推量, 推しあて, 推測, 推考, 推し当て, 推当, 当て推量, 御推文字, 臆測, 推論, 臆説, 憶測, 揣摩憶測, 推し言, 壁越し推量, 推量, 揣摩臆測, 推文字, 憶説, 予測, 推度, 揣摩, あて推量
- a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence); "speculations about the outcome of the election"; "he dismissed it as mere conjecture"
- 推測や推量で形成された仮説(普通はっきりとした証拠がない)
- shot, dead reckoning, guesswork, guess, guessing
- 推当て, 壁越推量, 憶見, 臆見, 推し当て, 推当, 当て推量, 想像, 臆測, あてずっぽう, 憶測, 当てずっぽう, 揣摩憶測, 推し言, 壁越し推量, 揣摩臆測, 心当, 推言, 心当て, 揣摩, あて推量
- an estimate based on little or no information
- わずかな情報あるいは全く情報がない状態での推測
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