英日字典: 束縛
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- constraint, restraint
- 束縛, 拘束
- the state of being physically constrained; "dogs should be kept under restraint"
- 物理的に抑圧された状態
- binding
- 束縛
- the capacity to attract and hold something
- 何かを引き付け、保持する能力
- constraint
- 束縛, コンストレイント, 牽制, 気詰り, 強制, 気詰まり
- the act of constraining; the threat or use of force to control the thoughts or behavior of others
- 抑制する行為
- confinement, restriction
- 束縛, 制限, 限定, 拘束, 掣肘
- the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary); "the restriction of the infection to a focal area"
- 指定された領域に何かを保持する行為(必要なら力によって)
- restraint
- 束縛, 制約, 牽制, 制限, 頸木, 首木, 制馭, 制禦, 拘束, 繋縛, 制止, 手桎, 抑制, 手械, 掣肘, 梏桎, 羈束, 頚木, 抑止, 抑圧, 首枷, 制御
- a rule or condition that limits freedom; "legal restraints"; "restraints imposed on imports"
- 自由を制限する規則か状態
- truss
- 束縛
- tie the wings and legs of a bird before cooking it
- 料理する前にとりの羽と足を縛る
- bind
- 束縛, 縛る, 引括る, 縛める, 引っ括る, 繋縛, 引っくくる, 縛する, 縛りつける, ふん縛る
- make fast; tie or secure, with or as if with a rope; "The Chinese would bind the feet of their women"
- しっかり結ぶ
- hold, restrain, confine
- 束縛, 閉じこめる, 封じ込める, 封じ込む, 留置く, 拘束, 縛り付ける, 監禁, 抑留, 縛りつける, 禁足, 収容, 封じこめる, 封じこむ, 閉じ込める
- to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement; "This holds the local until the express passengers change trains"; "About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade"; "The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center"; "The terrorists held the journalists for ransom"
- 限界内、制限内にとどめること、あるいは動きを制限する
- tie
- 束縛, 縛る, 拘束, 縛する, 縛り付ける, 縛りつける
- limit or restrict to; "I am tied to UNIX"; "These big jets are tied to large airports"
- 制限または、を規制する
- truss
- 束縛
- support structurally; "truss the roofs"; "trussed bridges"
- 構造的に補助する
- hold, oblige, obligate, bind
- 束縛, 縛る, 拘束
- bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted; "He's held by a contract"; "I'll hold you by your promise"
- 義務により拘束する
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