英日字典: 歓喜
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- pleasance, pleasure
- 快, 楽しさ, 慶び, 喜び, 悦び, 大喜び, 歓楽, 歓, 愉楽, 快味, 歓喜, 悦楽, 欣び, 歓び, 愉快さ
- a fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience; "he was tingling with pleasure"
- 定義しにくいが人々が経験したいと思う根本的な感情
- delight, joy, pleasure
- 慶び, 喜び, 悦び, 歓喜, 欣び, 歓び, 悦
- something or someone that provides a source of happiness; "a joy to behold"; "the pleasure of his company"; "the new car is a delight"
- 幸福の源を提供する何かかだれか
- rejoice, joy
- 愉悦, 慶ぶ, 小躍, 喜悦, 悦ぶ, 小躍り, 大喜び, 雀躍, 悦に入る, 悦喜, 欣ぶ, 雀躍り, 浮かれる, 喜ぶ, 歓喜
- feel happiness or joy
- 幸福か喜びを感じる
- revel, enjoy, delight
- 悦ばせる, エンジョイ, 喜ばす, 悦ばす, 面白がる, 大喜び, 享楽, 楽しむ, 喜ばせる, 興がる, 歓喜, 楽します
- take delight in; "he delights in his granddaughter"
- 喜びを得る
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