英日字典: 汚点
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- stain, brand, stigma, mark
- 正鵠, 銘柄, 点数, 符号, 印, 標, 烙印, 汚点, 徴, 験, 斑点, マルク, マーク, 汚名, 目印
- a symbol of disgrace or infamy; "And the Lord set a mark upon Cain"--Genesis
- 恥辱や汚名の象徴
- blot, slur, smudge, smirch, smear, daub, spot
- 染み, スポット, 染, 汚点, 汚れ
- a blemish made by dirt; "he had a smudge on his cheek"
- 泥でつけられた傷
- discoloration, stain, discolouration
- 染み, 汚れ目, 染, 汚目, 汚, 汚点, 色変わり, 変色, 汚れ
- a soiled or discolored appearance; "the wine left a dark stain"
- 汚れた、または変色して見える
- tarnish
- 汚点
- discoloration of metal surface caused by oxidation
- 酸化によって起こった金属の表面の変色
- flaw
- 瑕疵, 欠陥, 汚点, 短所, 不備
- an imperfection in a plan or theory or legal document that causes it to fail or that reduces its effectiveness
- それが失敗の原因となる、あるいは、その効力を減少させる計画または理論の法的文書の欠陥
- shortcoming, defect
- 難, 非, ぼろ, 瑕瑾, デメリット, 疵瑕, 欠点, 弊竇, 欠缺, 襤褸, 不具合, 瑕疵, 粗, 瑕, 悪目, 欠陥, 難点, 汚点, 傷, 疵, 芥もくた, 短所, 不備, 短, 穴
- a failing or deficiency; "that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information"
- 失敗または不足
- ignominy, shame, disgrace
- 不名誉, 会稽, 顔汚し, 恥さらし, 汚辱, 顔汚, 面汚し, 不評, 不面目, 不評判, 恥, 面よごし, 恥曝し, 面汚, 汚点, 名折れ, 面恥, 不面目さ, 恥晒し, 恥辱, 汚名
- a state of dishonor; "one mistake brought shame to all his family"; "suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison"
- 不名誉な状態
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