英日字典: 浄化
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- purging, purgation, purge
- 清め, 浄化
- the act of clearing yourself (or another) from some stigma or charge
- 自分自身(または他のだれか)の汚名や問責を晴らす行為
- purification
- 斎戒沐浴, 純化, 清め, 斎戒, 斎戒もく浴, 浄化, 精製
- the act of purging of sin or guilt; moral or spiritual cleansing; "purification through repentance"
- 罪または自責の念を清める行為
- cleansing, cleaning, cleanup
- 洗い濯ぎ, 清め, 掃除, 洗滌, クリーニング, 浄, 洗浄, 箕帚, 洗濯, 浄化, 清掃, 浄め, 大掃除, クレンジング
- the act of making something clean; "he gave his shoes a good cleaning"
- 何かをきれいにする行為
- clean, make clean
- 灑掃, 清める, 掃除, 洗滌, 渫う, 洗う, 洗浄, 浄める, 浚う, 浄化, 清掃, 洒掃
- make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from; "Clean the stove!"; "The dentist cleaned my teeth"
- ほこり、汚物または不必要な物質を除去することできれいにする
- cleanse
- 浄化
- purge of an ideology, bad thoughts, or sins; "Purgatory is supposed to cleanse you from your sins"
- 主義、悪い思想または罪を浄化する
- purify, purge, sanctify
- 清める, 浄める, 浄化
- make pure or free from sin or guilt; "he left the monastery purified"
- 罪や過ちからきれいになる、または解放される
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