英日字典: 溢れだす
2 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- well over, overflow, brim over, run over, overrun
- 溢れでる, 溢れだす, あふれ出す, 溢出す, 越流, 溢れ出る, 氾濫, 溢れ落ちる, 溢れ出す
- flow or run over (a limit or brim)
- (限界または縁)を流れる
- overflow, bubble over, spill over
- 溢れでる, 零れる, 漲る, 溢れだす, あふれ出す, 溢出す, 零れ落ちる, 溢れ出る, 溢れ落ちる, 溢れる, 溢れ出す
- overflow with a certain feeling; "The children bubbled over with joy"; "My boss was bubbling over with anger"
- 特定の感覚で満ち満ちている
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