英日字典: 溶解
8 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- melting, thawing, thaw, melt
- 解凍, 溶解, 融雪, 融解
- the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid; "the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster"; "the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours"
- 熱によって固体から液体へと変化する過程
- lysis
- 溶解
- recuperation in which the symptoms of an acute disease gradually subside
- 急性疾患の症状が徐々に沈下する回復
- fusion
- 溶解
- the act of fusing (or melting) together
- 一緒に融合する(または溶解)行為
- lysis
- 溶解
- (biochemistry) dissolution or destruction of cells such as blood cells or bacteria
- 血液細胞や細菌のような細胞の分解や崩壊
- liquify, flux, liquefy
- 液化, 溶解
- become liquid or fluid when heated; "the frozen fat liquefied"
- 加熱されると、液体か流体になる
- dissolve
- 溶ける, 鎔ける, 溶解, 融ける, 熔ける
- pass into a solution; "The sugar quickly dissolved in the coffee"
- 溶体になる
- break up, resolve, dissolve
- 溶く, 溶かす, 溶解, 解かす
- cause to go into a solution; "The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water"
- 溶解の状態にさせる
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