英日字典: 無関心
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- numbness, indifference, apathy, spiritlessness
- 無頓着, 無関心, 無気力さ, アパテイア, 不熱心, アパシー, 無感動, 無気力, 無頓着さ, 無関心さ
- the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally
- 一般的に物事に対する熱意や関心が欠如している特性
- uninterested
- 無関心
- having no care or interest in knowing; "she appeared totally uninterested"
- 知ることにまったく関心がない
- indifferent, so-so
- 無関心
- being neither good nor bad; "an indifferent performance"; "a gifted painter but an indifferent actor"; "her work at the office is passable"; "a so-so golfer"; "feeling only so-so"; "prepared a tolerable dinner"; "a tolerable working knowledge of French"
- よくもなく悪くもない
- unconcerned
- 無関心
- not occupied or engaged with; "readers unconcerned with style"
- 占められていない、関わり合っていない
- uninterested
- 無関心
- not having or showing interest; "an uninterested spectator"
- 興味を持っていない、または、興味を示さない
- indifferent
- 無関心
- marked by no especial liking or dislike or preference for one thing over another; "indifferent about which book you would give them"; "was indifferent to their acceptance or rejection of her invitation"
- あるものよりもあるものが好きまたは嫌いであるというような特別の好みがないということで特徴的な
- apathetic, indifferent
- つれない, 無関心, 冷たい
- marked by a lack of interest; "an apathetic audience"; "the universe is neither hostile nor friendly; it is simply indifferent"
- 無関心で特徴付けられる
- unbiassed, indifferent, unbiased
- 無関心, 公平
- characterized by a lack of partiality; "a properly indifferent jury"; "an unbiasgoted account of her family problems"
- 偏りのないことで特徴づけられる
- unconcerned
- 無頓着, 無関心, お構いなし
- lacking in interest or care or feeling; "the average American...is unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions...beyond the normal citizen's comprehension and control"; "blithely unconcerned about his friend's plight"
- 関心、注意または感覚に欠けるさま
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