英日字典: 短気
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- fretfulness, fussiness, crossness, petulance, peevishness, irritability, choler
- 癇癖, むしゃくしゃ, 短気, 怒りっぽいこと, 癇性, 苛苛, 癇癪, 怒りっぽさ, 癇症, 焦れったさ, 癇, せっかち, 躁急, もどかしさ, 疳性, 焦躁, 苛々
- an irritable petulant feeling
- 短気で癇癪を起こす気持ち
- temper, biliousness, peevishness, pettishness, surliness, irritability, snappishness
- 癇癖, 短気, 癇性, 癇癪, 怒りっぽさ, 怒りっぽい気質, 癇症, 癇, 疳性
- a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger; "his temper was well known to all his employees"
- 抑制できない怒りを示す気質
- restlessness, impatience
- 急心, 短気, 急き心, せっかちさ, 性急さ, 短慮, 気みじか, 焦れったさ, 気ぜわしさ, せっかち, 気短か, 気短, 気忙しさ, 躁急
- a lack of patience; irritation with anything that causes delay
- 忍耐力の欠如
- quick, warm
- 短気, 癇性, 気の短い, 怒りっぽい
- easily aroused or excited; "a quick temper"; "a warm temper"
- 容易に刺激を受ける、または興奮する
- tetchy, peckish, peevish, testy, cranky, petulant, scratchy, fractious, pettish, techy, nettlesome, irritable
- 短気, 癇性, 短慮, 癇症, 怒りっぽい, 疳性
- easily irritated or annoyed; "an incorrigibly fractious young man"; "not the least nettlesome of his countrymen"
- 容易にいらだつまたはいらいらさせられる
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