英日字典: 胆力
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- cheek, nerve, brass, face, boldness
- 破廉恥, きもっ玉, 向こうっ面, 肝ったま, 肝っ魂, 胆玉, 果敢さ, 大胆, チャレンジ, 大胆さ, ど根性, 不遠慮, 図太さ, ド肝, 度胸, 胆力, 向うっ面, 荒肝, 図々しさ, 肝玉, 勇猛さ, 慢心, 向っ面, 勇気, 度胆, 太さ, 肝っ玉, 向かい, 度肝, 肝魂
- impudent aggressiveness; "I couldn't believe her boldness"; "he had the effrontery to question my honesty"
- 厚かましい積極性
- gutsiness, pluckiness, pluck
- 度胸, 胆力, 胆気, 勇気
- the trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury
- 損失や損害の可能性があるにもかかわらず、勇気や決意を示す特性
- courage, courageousness, braveness, bravery
- きもっ玉, 勇敢さ, 勇壮さ, 肝ったま, 肝っ魂, 剛勇さ, 勇, 勇力, 強勇, 根性, 勇ましさ, 剛勇, 勇気のあること, 度胸, 豪勇, 胆力, 剛気, 豪勇さ, 胆気, 荒肝, 肝玉, 勇猛, 勇気, 勇み, 剛毅さ, 荒胆, 強勇さ, 肝魂
- a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear
- 恐怖心を見せることなく、苦痛や危険に立ち向かうことのできる精神のある性質
- gumption, guts, backbone, moxie, grit, sand
- ガッツ, きもっ玉, 肝ったま, 肝っ魂, 胆玉, 根性, ど根性, 気概, 度胸, 胆力, 意気, 胆気, 荒肝, 肝玉, 気骨, 骨っ節, 肝っ玉, 荒胆, 根性骨, 肝魂
- fortitude and determination; "he didn't have the guts to try it"
- 不屈の精神と決断力
- nerve, heart, spunk, mettle
- 腹, 勇, 度胸, 胆力, 意気, 勇気
- the courage to carry on; "he kept fighting on pure spunk"; "you haven't got the heart for baseball"
- 続行する勇気
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