英日字典: 腕
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- arm
- 手, 腕, アーム, かいな
- a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb
- 人間の手足
- limb, branch, arm
- 腕
- any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm; "the arm of the record player"; "an arm of the sea"; "a branch of the sewer"
- 人間の腕に似ていると思われる突起した部分
- acquisition, acquirement, accomplishment, skill, attainment
- たしなみ, 巧手, 手なみ, スキル, 技, 手並み, 手の内, 伎倆, 腕前, 技能, 技量, 技倆, 腕, 技術, 手並
- an ability that has been acquired by training
- 訓練によって身につけた能力
- competence, competency
- スキル, 器量, 才能, 才腕, 才, 甲斐性, 適格性, 有能さ, 実力, 能, 英気, 伎倆, 堪能, 技量, 能力, 技倆, 腕, 技術
- the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually
- 身体的にも知的にも、適度に、または十分能力に恵まれているという特質
- arm
- 腕, アーム
- the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person
- 肘掛け椅子やソファーの、座っている人のひじや前腕を支える部分
- science, skill
- スキル, 技, 腕前, わざ, 技能, 技量, 腕, 技術
- ability to produce solutions in some problem domain; "the skill of a well-trained boxer"; "the sweet science of pugilism"
- 扱いにくい問題領域に解決策を生み出す能力
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