英日字典: 蓄積
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- fund, store, stock
- ストック, 蓄積, 貯蔵品, 貯え, 貯蔵物, 蓄え, 備蓄
- a supply of something available for future use; "he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars"
- 将来の使用のために可能な何かの供給
- reposition, repositing, warehousing, storage
- 蔵置, 整復, 格納, 蓄積, 蔵置き, 入庫, 蔵入, 倉入れ, 蔵入り, 庫入れ, 保管, 備蓄, 貯蔵
- depositing in a warehouse; "they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn"; "my car is in storage"; "publishers reduced print runs to cut down the cost of warehousing"
- 倉庫に預けること
- reservoir
- 蓄積, 宝庫
- a large or extra supply of something; "a reservoir of talent"
- 何かの大量のまたは余分の供給
- accumulation
- 集積, 蓄積, 累積
- (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporation
- 配当として払い出されずに資本に追加されていく利益
- buildup
- 増加, 集積, 蓄積, 累加, 累積, 増殖, 増大
- the act of building up an accumulation; "I envied his rapid buildup of assets"; "a military buildup in preparation for the invasion"
- 蓄積を増加させる行為
- collection, aggregation, assemblage, accumulation
- 集団, 集積物, 収集物, 集まり, 蓄積, 固まり, 集合物, 群, コレクション, 集合体
- several things grouped together or considered as a whole
- ひとまとまりにされた、またはひとつのまとまったもの全体とみなされるいくつかの物
- accumulate, hoard, compile, roll up, collect, amass, pile up
- 集める, コレクト, 集結, 集積, 蓄積, 寄せ集める, 纏める, 取集める, 寄集める, 取りあつめる, 採集, 積み上げる, 取り集める, 収集, 積み重ねる, 寄せあつめる, ため込む, 積みあげる, 拾集
- get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune"
- 集合する、または集まる
- gather, accumulate, cumulate, amass, pile up, conglomerate
- 山積み, 溜る, 積みかさなる, 積み重なる, 集積, 蓄積, 集まる, 積みあがる, 溜まる, 堆積, 積重なる, 結集する, 積る, 積もる, 積もり積もる, 山積
- collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my office"; "The work keeps piling up"
- 集まるか、集合する
- put in, lay in, hive away, stash away, salt away, stack away, store
- 貯える, 取り置く, 溜込む, 貯留, 蔵する, 蓄積, たくわえる, 溜めこむ, 溜め込む, 取りおく, ため込む, 取置く, 溜める, 貯める, 蓄える, 貯蓄, 備蓄, 貯蔵
- keep or lay aside for future use; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat"
- 今後の使用のために維持する、あるいは貯める
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