英日字典: 責務
6 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- part, function, office, role
- 役, お役, 職務, 役廻, 務め, 役回, 任, 役儀, 役回り, 勤め, 役割, 任務, 役目, 責務, 役割り, 御役
- the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"
- 個人あるいはグループに割り当てられたり、必要とされたり、期待されたりする行動や活動
- occasions
- 用事, 責務
- something you have to do; "he minded his own specialized occasions"
- やらなければならないこと
- commitment
- 投獄, 収監, 言質, 責務
- an engagement by contract involving financial obligation; "his business commitments took him to London"
- 財政上の責任を伴う契約によって関わり合いをもつこと
- responsibility, province
- 職務, 役儀, 職分, 本分, 責務
- the proper sphere or extent of your activities; "it was his province to take care of himself"
- 自分の活動の固有の領分や範囲
- duty
- 義務, 役, お役, お役目, 務め, 努め, 役儀, 勤め, 責め, 役目, 責務, 責任, 務, 御役
- work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons; "the duties of the job"
- 道徳や法律上の理由で実施する義務のある仕事
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