英日字典: 走る
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- rush along, hie, rush, pelt along, race, hasten, hotfoot, speed, bucket along, cannonball along, belt along, step on it
- 突っ走る, 直走る, 走る, 急く, 急ぐ, ダッシュ
- move fast; "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"; "The cars raced down the street"
- 速く動く
- race, run
- 駈ける, 競走, 走る, 駆ける
- compete in a race; "he is running the Marathon this year"; "let's race and see who gets there first"
- 競走で競い合う
- drive
- 進行, 走る, 走行する
- move by being propelled by a force; "The car drove around the corner"
- 力により推進されることによる動き
- fly
- 駈ける, 飛ぶ, 飛び出す, 走る, 駆ける
- move quickly or suddenly; "He flew about the place"
- 素早く、または突然動く
- run
- 駈ける, 走る, 駆ける
- cover by running; run a certain distance; "She ran 10 miles that day"
- ランニングにより補う
- run
- 駈ける, 駈け走る, 駈けはしる, 駆けはしる, 走る, 駆ける, 駈走る, 駆け足, 駆け走る, 駆走る
- move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time; "Don't run--you'll be out of breath"; "The children ran to the store"
- 自分の足を使って、常時地面から片足を上げ、速く動く
- run
- 駈ける, 走る, 駆ける
- cause an animal to move fast; "run the dogs"
- 動物が速く動かせる
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