英日字典: 退廃
7 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- deterioration, impairment
- 衰勢, 落込, 悪化, 落込み, あっ化, 頽廃, 低下, 増悪, 退廃, 落ち込み, 劣化, 衰弱
- a symptom of reduced quality or strength
- 品質や強さが減少する兆し
- worsening, deterioration, decline in quality, declension
- 悪化, 腐敗, 変質, あっ化, 腐朽, 頽廃, 退廃, 改悪
- process of changing to an inferior state
- 劣った状態へと変化する過程
- degeneration, devolution
- 退化, 変質, 頽廃, 退廃
- the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality
- 有効な力や体力、本質的な資質が高いレベルから低いレベルへと衰えていく過程
- degeneracy, depravation, putrefaction, depravity, corruption
- 貪汚, 腐敗, 黄白, 汚職, 不徳, 悪徳, 頽廃, 贈収賄, 退廃, 贈賄, 堕落, 自堕落, 収賄, 汚濁
- moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles; "the luxury and corruption among the upper classes"; "moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration"; "its brothels, its opium parlors, its depravity"; "Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction"
- 道徳上の堕落
- declination, decline
- 衰微, 減衰, 衰勢, 凋残, 枯凋, 減退, 下向き, 退転, 式微, 後退, 退潮, 下り坂, 下むき, 衰萎, 落潮, 凋落, 衰え, 衰退, 衰滅, 頽勢, 衰頽, 頽廃, 低下, 退勢, 退廃, 下落, 萎靡, 弱り
- a condition inferior to an earlier condition; a gradual falling off from a better state
- 初期の条件より劣った条件
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