英日字典: 通過
9 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- passing, passage
- 通行, 通過
- the motion of one object relative to another; "stellar passings can perturb the orbits of comets"
- 他のものと相対的な物体の動き
- handing over, passage
- 通行, カ所, 一節, 通過, 引き渡し, ヶ所, 箇所, 個所, か所, 渡り廊下, 通り道, ケ所
- the act of passing something to another person
- 何かを別の人に渡す行為
- passing, pass, qualifying
- 通過, パス, 合格, 及第
- success in satisfying a test or requirement; "his future depended on his passing that test"; "he got a pass in introductory chemistry"
- テストまたは必要条件を満たす成功
- clear
- 通過
- pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs"
- 検査を通過しまたは認可英受ける
- pass, clear
- 可決, 通過, 通る
- go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House"
- 異論なく通る
- transit, pass across, move through, pass over, pass through
- 通りすぎる, 通過, 通り抜け, 通りこす, 横断, 通る, 超える, 越す, 渉る, 通りぬける, 通りぬけ, 渡る, 横切る, 通り過ぎる, 過ぎる, 越える
- make a passage or journey from one place to another; "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;" "Some travelers pass through the desert"
- あちこちを転々と渡航するまたは旅行する
- pass, go across, go through
- 過ぎゆく, 通行, 過ぎさる, 通りすぎる, 通過, 過ぎ去る, 通り抜け, 突っきる, 通りこす, 横断, 通る, 突ききる, 横ぎる, 経る, 過行く, 突抜ける, 通り越す, 潜り抜ける, 突きぬける, 越す, 渉る, 突き切る, 突切る, 通りぬける, 通りぬけ, 渡る, 抜ける, くぐり抜ける, 突っ切る, 過去る, うち過ぎる, 経過, 通り過ぎる, 過ぎる, 通り抜ける, 突き抜ける, 潜りぬける, 過ぎ行く, 越える, つき抜ける
- go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind"
- 横切るあるいは突き抜けて行く
- travel by, surpass, pass, go by, go past, pass by
- 過ぎゆく, 通りすぎる, 打過ぎる, 通過, 通る, 過行く, 打ちすぎる, 打ち過ぎる, うち過ぎる, 通り過ぎる, 過る, 過ぎる, 過ぎ行く
- move past; "A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window"; "He passed his professor in the hall"; "One line of soldiers surpassed the other"
- そこを通り過ぎて動く
- transit
- 通過
- pass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place); "The comet will transit on September 11"
- 横切って通る(十二宮または黄道帯)か、(天体の円盤または子午線の位置を)横切って通る
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