英日字典: 郵便
5 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- mail, post
- ポスト, 郵便, 郵便物
- any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered; "your mail is on the table"; "is there any post for me?"; "she was opening her post"
- 配達される手紙や小包の任意の集まり
- post
- 郵便
- the delivery and collection of letters and packages; "it came by the first post"; "if you hurry you'll catch the post"
- 手紙とパッケージの配送と収集
- mail service, mail, post, postal service
- 郵便
- the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office; "the mail handles billions of items every day"; "he works for the United States mail service"; "in England they call mail `the post'"
- メッセージが郵便局を通して送られるシステム
- missive, letter
- 玉簡, 書翰, 投書, レター, 書面, 簡牘, 信, 雁書, 雑筆, 書札, 状, 書信, 玉翰, 玉章, 手翰, 郵便, 便り, 雁札, 手紙, 郵書, 竿牘, 来翰, 書, 華墨, 雁の使い, 置き手紙, 雁字, 水茎の跡, 郵信, 玉梓, 便, 書牘, 御文, 手簡, 尺牘, 雁の便り, 雁の文, 御状, 信書, 書簡, お文, 来簡, 書状, たより, 文, 簡
- a written message addressed to a person or organization; "mailed an indignant letter to the editor"
- 人または組織に宛てた書かれたメッセージ
- mail
- 郵便, メール, 郵書, 郵便物, メイル
- the bags of letters and packages that are transported by the postal service
- 郵便で運ばれる手紙と小包を入れるかばん
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