

英日字典: 青白い


2 文書を見つけるための辞書。

  • pale, pallid, wan
  • 青白い, 蒼白, 蒼い, 青い, 蒼白い, 碧い, 真っ青
  • abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress; "the pallid face of the invalid"; "her wan face suddenly flushed"
  • 物理的または感情的な苦痛を示すように、異常に顔色が十分でない

  • white, bloodless, ashen, blanched, livid
  • 青白い, 蒼白
  • anemic looking from illness or emotion; "a face turned ashen"; "the invalid's blanched cheeks"; "tried to speak with bloodless lips"; "a face livid with shock"; "lips...livid with the hue of death"- Mary W. Shelley; "lips white with terror"; "a face white with rage"
  • 病気または感情から貧血に見えるさま

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