英日字典: 頂点
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- vertex
- 頂点
- the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure
- 線の交点あるいは、図形の底辺の反対側にある点
- head
- 頂上, 上端, 尖端, 先端, 頂, ヘッド, 頂き, 先, 頂点
- the top of something; "the head of the stairs"; "the head of the page"; "the head of the list"
- 何かの一番上
- flower, peak, efflorescence, heyday, prime, flush, bloom, blossom
- 絶頂, 開花期, 盛り, 最高潮, 全盛期, ピーク, 真っ盛り, 黄金時代, 盛時, 花, 最盛期, 佳境, 花盛り, たけなわ, 頂点, 全盛
- the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
- 最大に繁栄、もしくは生産をあげている時期
- crest
- 頂上, 頂, 頂点
- the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave
- 丘、山、波の頂の線
- peak, crown, tip, crest, summit, top
- 絶頂, 頂上, 冠, 天頂, 頂, 峰, 頂き, 山顛, 嶺, 山巓, 山嶺, 峯, 天辺, 山頂, 頂点, 山峰
- the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill); "the view from the peak was magnificent"; "they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"; "the region is a few molecules wide at the summit"
- 何かの頂点または極点(通常山または丘)
- perfection, ne plus ultra, flawlessness
- 完ぺき, 完備, 満点, 完壁さ, 極限, 十全, 極致, 完璧さ, 大全, 全備, 円満さ, 完璧, 無欠, 完ぺきさ, 万全, 全美, 完全, 完全無欠, 頂点, 完全無欠さ
- the state of being without a flaw or defect
- 不具合や欠陥がない状態
- acme, peak, pinnacle, summit, tiptop, elevation, superlative, top, height, meridian
- 絶頂, 極致, 頂, 天上, 最高点, 最高, トップ, 頂点, 極点
- the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession"
- 到達可能な最も高いレベルまたは等級
- climax, flood tide
- 絶頂, 頂上, 真盛, 最高潮, 山場, ピーク, 高潮, 真っ盛り, 盛時, 山, 最盛期, 至り, まっ盛り, クライマックス, 花盛り, 真盛り, ヤマ, 峠, 真っ盛, 頂点, 極点
- the highest point of anything conceived of as growing or developing or unfolding; "the climax of the artist's career"; "in the flood tide of his success"
- 成長、発達、または展開すると考えられる事の頂点
- top
- 絶頂, 頂点
- the greatest possible intensity; "he screamed at the top of his lungs"
- 最大限の強さ
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