

英日字典: 、ォ、熙ャ、ヘ


  • (adj-na,n)

  • エ逾イサ


    call of a wild goose


    wild goose
    (esp. a lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus)

    tea made from twigs of high-quality tea plants
    (esp. gyokuro)
    high-grade kukicha
    (esp. from gyokuro)

  • エ逾アイサ


    call of a wild goose


    wild goose
    (esp. a lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus)

    tea made from twigs of high-quality tea plants
    (esp. gyokuro)
    high-grade kukicha
    (esp. from gyokuro)

  • エ遉ャイサ


    call of a wild goose


    wild goose
    (esp. a lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus)

    tea made from twigs of high-quality tea plants
    (esp. gyokuro)
    high-grade kukicha
    (esp. from gyokuro)

  • エ邯


    call of a wild goose


    wild goose
    (esp. a lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus)

    tea made from twigs of high-quality tea plants
    (esp. gyokuro)
    high-grade kukicha
    (esp. from gyokuro)

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