

英日字典: 、ホ、サ、


  • コワ、サ、


    to place on

    to give
    a ride
    to give a lift
    to pick up
    to help on board

    to load
    to carry
    to take on board

    to send out
    (on the airwaves, etc.)

    to deceive
    to take for a ride

    along with
    (musical accompaniment)

    to let
    take part

    to excite

    to publish
    (an article)
    to run
    (an ad)

  • セ隍サ、


    to place on

    to give
    a ride
    to give a lift
    to pick up
    to help on board

    to load
    to carry
    to take on board

    to send out
    (on the airwaves, etc.)

    to deceive
    to take for a ride

    along with
    (musical accompaniment)

    to let
    take part

    to excite


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