

英英字典: blasting

KK Pronunciation

〔 `blæstIŋ, `blɑs- 〕


〔 ˋblɑ:stiŋ 〕

Overview of verb blast

The verb blast has 10 senses

  • blast, blare -- (make a strident sound; "She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone")

  • smash, nail, boom, blast -- (hit hard; "He smashed a 3-run homer")

  • blast, shell -- (use explosives on; "The enemy has been shelling us all day")

  • blast -- (apply a draft or strong wind to to; "the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us")

  • blast, shell -- (create by using explosives; "blast a passage through the mountain")

  • blast -- (make with or as if with an explosion; "blast a tunnel through the Alps")

  • blast, shoot -- (fire a shot; "the gunman blasted away")

  • savage, blast, pillory, crucify -- (criticize harshly or violently; "The press savaged the new President"; "The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage")

  • blast, knock down -- (shatter as if by explosion)

  • blast -- (shrivel or wither or mature imperfectly)

Overview of adj blasting

The adj blasting has 2 senses

  • blasting, ruinous -- (causing injury or blight; especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin; "the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit"; "the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces"; "a ruinous war")

  • blaring, blasting -- (unpleasantly loud and penetrating; "the blaring noise of trumpets"; "shut our ears against the blasting music from his car radio")

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