

英漢字典: 說

KK 音標
〔 se 〕
〔 sei 〕

〈 say 〉


said, saying, says


1 說; 陳述

The children said, "Good morning." 孩子們說, "早安"

2 表達

Say what's on your mind. 說說你心裏的想法

3 a. 敘述; 宣布

I say let's eat out 我宣布我們到外面用餐

b. 判定

It is hard to say who is right in this matter. 這件事很難說誰對誰錯

4 重述; 背誦

said grace 做禱告

5 公佈主張

6 a. 表示; 意謂

The clock says half past two. 現在時間是兩點半

b. 象徵

It was an act that said "devotion". 這個行為是象徵信仰上的皈依

7 假設

Let's say that you're right. 我們假設你是對的


陳述; 表達自我

The story must be true because the teacher said so.這個故事一定是真的, 因為是老師這麼說的


1 發言的次序; 發言權

Having had my say, I sat down. 我把話說完之後, 我便坐了下來

2 決定權

Citizens have a say in the councils of government.市民在議會中有決定權

All I want is some say in the matter. 我只想在這件事上有些決定權

3 諺語; 格言


1 將近

There were, say, 500 people present. 將近有500人

2 舉例來說

a woodwind, say an oboe 木管樂器, 像是雙簧管


表示驚訝; 表示請求之意


I say

1 喂喂, 我是說

I say do you have the time? 喂, 你有空嗎?

2 哇 (表驚訝)

that is to say


to say nothing of

更不用說; 遑論

The yard is a mess, to say nothing of the house.院子裏亂七八糟, 房子裏就更不用說了

you can say that again

〔口語〕 你說的對極了



KK 音標
〔 spik 〕
〔 spiːk 〕

〈 speak 〉



spoke, spoken, speaking, speaks


1 講話, 發出聲音; 說話

2 a. 以口傳達 (思想, 意見或感情)

b. 自我表達

c. 交談

They are no longer speaking. 他們不再交談

3 演說

The president of NOW was to speak at the rally.全國婦女團體 (National Organization for Women) 的會長將在大會上演說

4 a. 以書寫方式陳述

The biography speaks of great loneliness. 這本傳記陳述極度的孤寂

b. (以發言人的身分) 說話

spoke for the entire staff 代表全體同仁發言

5 a. (以非口頭的方式) 傳遞訊息

Actions speaks louder than words.行動勝於空談

b. 富於表情的

spoke with her eyes 用她的眼睛說話

c. 引人入勝的

His poetry speaks to one's heart. 他的詩動人心弦

6 預留; 要求 (常和 for 連用)

Is this dance spoken for? 我可以請你跳這支舞嗎?

I spoke for the last slice of pizza. 我要求最後一塊的比薩

7 a. 發出特殊的聲音

The drums spoke. 鼓聲咚咚

b. (槍砲) 因射擊而發出聲響

8 發出通訊的聲音

9 指示, 建議

His manners spoke of good upbringing. 他的談吐顯示了良好的教養


1 說話

spoke words of wisdom 說出智慧之語

2 說 (某種語言)

speaks German 說德語

3 a. 大聲表達; 告知

speak the truth 說出真相

b. 以書寫方式表達


5 以非口語的方式傳達

His eyes spoke volumes.他的雙眼深富含意

speak out


speak up

1 高聲說話

2 毫不恐懼或猶豫地說話

so to speak

可以說, 好比

can't see the forest for the frees, so to speak好比說, 看不到供樹木生長的森林

speak down to


She never spoke down to her audience. 她從未謙遜地向觀眾說話

to speak of


There's nothing new to speak of. 沒啥新鮮事值得一提



KK 音標
〔 tɒk 〕
〔 tɒːk 〕

〈 talk 〉



talked, talking, talks


1 說話

The baby is talking sentences now. 嬰兒正說著句子

2 以字句表達

talk treason 陳述叛亂罪

3 提及, 討論

talk music 談論音樂

talk business 談論商業

4 以某語言表達

talk French with the flight crew 和飛行組員以法文交談

5 說服, 影響; 藉談話進入某一狀況

talked me into coming 說服我來

talked their way out of trouble 藉著談話來消除憂慮

6 藉著談話打發時間

talked the evening away 以閒聊消磨晚上的時間


1 談話, 聊天

We talked for hours. 我們談了數小時

2 說話

The baby can talk. 嬰兒會說話

3 模仿人類的語言

The parrot talks. 這隻鸚鵡會說人話

4 藉語言表達某人的想法及情感

talked about the pros and cons of the issue 談論議題中的正反兩方

5 以語言以外的方式表達某人的想法

talk with one's hands 以手語表達

6 以書寫表達某人的思想

Voltaire talks about London in this book. 伏泰爾在此書中談到倫敦

7 商議, 協商

Let's talk before continuing to fight. 為避免繼續爭吵下去我們先協商一下

8 散佈謠言; 閒言閒語

If you do that, people will talk. 若你這麼做, 一定會落人口實

9 暗指

Are you talking about last week? 你指的是上星期的事嗎?

10 商議諮詢

I talked with the doctor. 我向醫生諮詢

11 招供

Has the prisoner talked? 那犯人招供了嗎?

12 〔口語〕 具影響力

Money talks. 有錢能使鬼推磨


1 意見的交換; 對話

2 演說; 講課

3 道聽塗說; 謠言; 揣測

4 話題

a musical that is the talk of the town 這齣歌舞劇是全城談論的話題

5 (常用talks) 會談, 商議

peace talks 和平談判

6 專門用語; 俚語

prison talk 監獄中特殊的用語

7 空洞的談話, 不必要的討論

much talk and no action 光說不練

8 特殊的說話方式

baby talk 兒語

honeyed talk 親蜜的話

9 動物所發出的聲音

whale talk 鯨語

talk around

1 說服

I talked them around to my point of new. 我說服他們支持我的觀點

2 間接陳述

talked around the subject but never got to the point間接提及主題但卻未觸及要點

talk at


talk back

1 回嘴, 頂撞

a saucy child who talked back 無禮的小孩兒頂撞

2 以武力反擊

heavy guns talking back 重武力反擊

talk down

1 貶低

talked down the importance of the move 貶低行動的重要

2 以言語侮辱貶低某人

talked down to her subordinates 向她的部屬頤指氣使

3 以權威的樣子說話使(某人)安靜

4 (以雷達裝置) 指示方向, 控制

talk out

1 極力地討論

I talked out the proboem with a therapist. 我和一名治療師討論過這個問題

2 經由討論而解決

3 〔主英〕 經抗爭阻止

talk over

1 (經由討論或對談) 徹底考量

talked the matter over 討論事件

2 說服, 力勸

talked them over to our side 說服他們支持我方

talk up

1 支持, 贊同; 提升

talked the candidate up 支持這名候選人

talked up the new product 促銷這項新產品

2 率直地說出來, 無禮


talk big

〔口語〕 誇張, 說大話

talk sense


KK 音標
〔 tєl 〕
〔 tel 〕

〈 tell 〉



told, telling, tells


1 提出詳細原因; 陳述

tell what happened 訴說發生什麼事

told us a story 告訴我們一個故事

2 藉語言或書寫溝通; 以言詞表達

tell the truth 說出真相

tell one's love 表達愛戀

3 告知; 洩露

tell a secret 洩露秘密

tell fortunes 占卜

4 通知; 表明

5 通知; 保證

I tell you, the plan will work. 我告訴你, 這計畫會成功

6 說明; 指導

told the customers to wait in line 指示顧客要排隊等候

7 (經由觀察) 發現; 分辨

could easily tell that she was a newcomer 輕易地就可分辨出她是外來的人

8 依次指名或編號; 盤算

telling one's blessings 數數自己幸運的事 (安慰自己的話)

16 windows, all told 總共十六個窗戶


1 解釋; 顯露

was now prepared to break silence and tell 準備打破沈寂並加以解釋

2 提供證據; 通知

He promised not to tell on his friend. 他答應不提出對他朋友不利的證據

3 影響

In this game every move tells. 在比賽中每一個動作對成績都有影響

tell off

〔口語〕 強烈抨擊; 怒斥

KK 音標
〔 Ikˋsplen 〕
〔 ikˊsplein,ek- 〕

〈 ex.plain 〉



explained, explain.ing, explains


1 說明

2 解釋

We explained our plan to the committee. 我們向委員會解釋我們的計畫

3 a. 辯解

explain an error 辯解一個錯誤

b. 答辯



Let me explain. 讓我解釋

explain away

1 辯護

2 辯白 (使傷害減到最低)



KK 音標
〔 pZˋswed 〕
〔 pәˊsweid 〕

〈 per.suade 〉



per.suad.ed, per.suad.ing, per.suades

勸 (某人) 做某事; 說服; 勸服; 勸信

"to make children fit to live in a society by persuading them to learn and accept its codes." (Alan W. Watts)勸服兒童學習並相信社會的法律信條, 使他們適合生存於社會中





KK 音標
〔 ˋθiәrI,ˋθIәrI 〕
〔 ˊθiәri 〕

〈 the.o.ry 〉



pl. the.o.ries

1 a. 理論

b. 學理

2 抽象的推理; 玄想

3 觀念; 想法

rose early, on the theory that morning efforts are best早起, 根據的是早上做事效果最好這個想法

the modern architectural theory that less is more 現代的建築觀念是 "少就是好"

4 推測; 揣度
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