

英漢字典: 再說

let's talk about it later   (TTS發音)

let's talk about it later

what's more

KK 音標
〔 bIˋsaIdz 〕
〔 biˊsaidz 〕

〈 be.sides 〉



1 除…之外還有…

He speaks Chinese ~ English.他除了會說中文之外也會說英文

B~ the principal, many other teachers attended the conference.除了校長之外還有許多其他老師參加這個研討會

Banks offer various other services ~ depositing money.銀行除了讓人存錢之外還提供其他種種的服務

2 除…之外沒有…

No one can do this work ~ John.除了約翰以外沒有人會做這項工作

There is no one here ~ you and me.這裡除了你我以外沒有別人


並且, 還有; 外加

The old woman three cats and one dog ~.這位老太太有三隻貓, 還有一隻狗

I don't want to go shopping; (and) ~, it's raining.我不想去逛街, 加上現在正下著雨

He has a house and a car ~.他有一座房子, 加上一部車
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