

英漢字典: 起

KK 音標
〔 әˋpIr 〕
〔 әˊpiә 〕

〈 appear 〉



1 出現

a plane appearing in the sky 一架飛機在天空中出現

2 產生

New strains of viruses appear periodically.每隔一段時間就會有新的病毒產生

3 似乎; 看起來

appeared unhappy 似乎不太高興

4 似乎為真

They will be late, as it appears. 看起來似乎他們會遲到

5 公開出現, 露面

has appeared in two plays 已在二齣戲中露面

appears on the nightly news 公開在夜間新聞裡露面


〈 1.(cause to)arise from a bed(使)起床 〉

*Please get up at five tomorrow.明天請5點起床。

2.stand;rise from one's seat 由(座位等)站起來

*Few men these days get up to give a lady a seat on a bus.如今幾乎沒有幾個男士在公共汽車上給女士讓座。

3.organize;plan 組織;籌劃

*The children are getting up a play for next week.孩子們正組織下週的演出。

*The youth club is getting up a concert.青年俱樂部正在籌備一場音樂會。

*The students have got up another petition against the building of a neclear power station.學生們又一次組織了抗議建立核電站的請願活動。

*Our reading club is getting up a picnic for next month.我們的讀書俱樂部正計劃下個月的野餐。

4.move to a higher level 爬高(坡)

*The hill was so steep that the old car had difficulty getting up.此山太陡,這輛老車很難爬上去。

5.rise in position(在地位或職位上)晉升

*Thompson has got up in the world.湯普森舉世聞名了。

6.dress up;make beautiful or attractive 打扮;裝扮

*The children were got up in their best ckitges on June 1.孩子們在6月1日穿上了節日的盛裝。

*She gets herself up attractively like a girl of twenty.她打扮得很迷人,象一個20歲的姑娘。

*They got grand father up as Father Christmas.他們把爺爺打扮成了聖誕老人。

*The book has been got up very nicely by the designer.設計師把這本書裝幀得非常漂亮。

7.study;memorize 學習;背熟

*I should get up my history for the test tomorrow.我得背歷史準備明天的考試。

8.stimulate;rouse 激發;激起

*His rude manner really got my blood up.他那無理的態度簡直把我的肺都要氣炸了。

KK 音標
〔 rIˋmuv 〕
〔 riˊmuːv 〕

〈 re.move 〉



re.moved, re.mov.ing, re.moves


1 拿走

removed the dishes from the table 將桌上的盤子移走

2 移轉; 移動

removed the family to the West Coast 全家遷到西海岸去

3 脫下, 摘下

removed her jewelry 取下她的首飾

4 取消; 撤退

removed his name from consideration 他的名字不列入考慮

5 廢棄; 除去

remove a stain 除去污點

6 免職


1 移動; 遷居

"In 1751, I removed from the country to the town." (David Hume)一七五一年, 我從鄉下搬到鎮上來

2 離去

3 可除去

paint that removes with water 可用水除去的油漆


1 移動; 遷移

2 間隔, 距離

"to spill, though at a safe remove, the blood of brave men" (Anthony Burgess)雖然保持安全的距離, 勇士仍遭致殺害



KK 音標
〔 raIz 〕
〔 raiz 〕

〈 rise 〉



rose, risen, rising, rises


1 起身, 起立

2 起床

rose at dawn 黎明時起床

3 由低處往高處移動; 上升

Hot air rises. 熱空氣上升

4 (尺寸, 體積, 程度) 增加

The river is rising. 河流上漲

5 (數目, 數額, 價值) 增加

Prices rose. 價格上揚

6 (強度, 力量, 速度) 增加

The wind has risen. 風力已增強

7 提高 (聲調, 音量)

The sound of their voices rose and fell. 他們的音量起起落落

8 上升 (至水平面上)

The sun rises later in the fall. 秋天時太陽較晚升起

9 聳立

The tower rose above the hill. 塔聳立於山坡上

10 向上傾斜

Mount Mckinley rises to 6,197.6 meters (20,320 feet)米克里山脈向上傾斜 6,197.6 公尺 (20,320 呎)

11 存在; 起源

12 聳立

New buildings are rising in the city. 新建築物聳立在城市中

13 浮現; 出現

14 變大; 膨脹

The bread dough should rise to double its original size.麵團的體積會膨脹到原本的兩倍

15 直立

16 升遷

an officer who rose through the ranks 軍官依階級升遷

17 在心裡浮現

Old fears rose to haunt me. 以前的恐懼又再度籠罩著我

18 提升

She rose to the occasion and won the election. 她提升自我以贏得選戰

19 復活

20 反叛

"the right to rise up, and shake off the existing goverment" (Abraham Lincoln)應起而反叛, 推翻現有的政府

21 結束; 延期或停止會議


1 使上升

2 到達看得到 (海上遠處的物體) 之處


1 上升

2 上升的程度; 升高的程度

3 (太陽等的) 升起

4 (水位的) 上升

5 山坡

6 (長又寬廣的) 坡地

7 起源, 開始

the rise of a river 河流的起源

8 根據, 機會

facts that give rise to doubts about her motives事實使我們對她的動機起疑

9 (魚) 浮出水面

10 (價格、數量或程度的) 增加

11 (強度、音量及音調的) 增加

12 成名, 舉足輕重

the family's rise in New York society 家族在紐約的社交界揚名

13 一層階梯的高度

14 〔主英〕 加薪

15 〔口語〕 憤怒

finally got a rise out of her 終於激怒了她
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